Home & Hearth Holiday Fellowship Meal Events

The H3F program is a subcommittee of the Congregational Care Committee.

It provides service by creating connections, building relationships, and forming a close-knit community during the holidays for those who may fall into the following categories including members who are:
  • Military singles or families who are displaced from their hometown and/or relatives,
  • New to the church,
  • Single with no family nearby,
  • Alone due to a recent death, no family to visit with, or who live alone,
  • Overwhelmed caring for an elderly relative and don’t have time to prepare food on a holiday,
  • Recuperating from a medical procedure and don’t have the energy or desire to cook, but who are mobile,
  • Parents with young children who need a break from cooking a full course meal on a holiday,
  • Overworked, tired, or stressed and just need a break,
  • In grief with no desire to reach out to others not wanting to be alone,
  • A small family unit with no desire to cook for just 1 or 2 on a holiday,
  • Those who just desire a larger gathering, to celebrate with others, and have some fun on a holiday!

Any members who fall into any of these categories or just don’t want to cook for the holiday, may join in the holiday celebrations! Your First Prez family, your Home & Hearth Church family, holds a potluck dinner on the following holidays: Easter, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. (Before Covid, we were set to include Mother’s and Father’s Days too.) The CCC provides the main course meat and drinks. Everyone who attends fills in with sides, salads, and desserts. Meals take place in the Fellowship Hall either at lunch time or as an early dinner.

If you have questions, please contact Kellie Perkins.